Accepted Payment Methods

Payment options

Discover various payment options with Grow Payment Solutions:

Credit Card regular payments


  • No tokenization available for Bit transactions
  • Limited to single regular payments; multiple payments and direct debit are not allowed.
  • Maximum transaction amount is 5,000 NIS.
  • Supports J5J4
  • There is no testing environment for testing BIt You can test this only in Live environment.

Google Pay

  • No tokenization via Google Pay.
  • Supports J5J4
  • There is no testing environment for testing Google Pay. You can test this only in Live environment.
  • The GooglePay payment must be displayed in the Chrome browser on Android only.

Apple Pay


  • There is no testing environment for testing Apple pay. You can test this only in Live environment.
  • Apple Pay should be opened in Safari browser in a new tab (not in an IFrame). Domain approval is required if opened in an IFrame.
  • No tokenization via Apple Pay.
  • Supports J5J4

Please note specific considerations for each payment method. Testing environments may vary, and it's crucial to adhere to the specified conditions for each payment option.